For anyone interested in this, a series of articles on the Menlo Park, California Kingdom Hall scandal makes fascinating reading on
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Kingdom Hall remodel - scam
by Dagney ini was wondering from any here in the know, does it seem like there is a lot of "remodels" going on?.
in the last week i had the occasion to talk with two jw's in different halls, about 10 miles apart.
they both are undergoing major remodels.
If the WT dumped 1914 tommorow ...?
by faithfulslavedriver inthis is my first post here.
i've been a lurker for awhile but had no particular desire to join until the other day.. anyways, do you think that if wt decided to face the fact that 607-1914 is an indefensible pile of crap that has been artificially kept steaming for way too long, would it really kick off a mass exodus or anything?
in the short term the fds/gb might lose some authority, but they are hemorrhaging people anyways keeping it around (607 started me on the road to this place).. if wt stopped talking about 1914 for awhile then later killed it, blaming it on "further research" or something, and acknowledged some uncertainty in 607/587, i really doubt that very many of the r&f would think much about it.
Room 215
faithfulslavedriver, first and foremost, welcome aboard. To invoke your analogy, that once-steaming turd is now drying out, forming a nearly impenetrable crust that repels logic and common sense.
Reasoning from the scriptures, is there a plan to release a new version?
by insearchoftruth ini know that the section on last days is no where close to correct anymore with the 'overlapping generation' change, i am sure there are other discrepancies as well with the book.
shouldn't there be a new version of this coming out (or even better for those of us who are trying to find changes a 'change list' like what was done with the 'grand climax' book)?.
Room 215
Amazing, the short "shelf life" of publications supposedly based on the immutable Word of God...
Today's Watchtower
by tornapart inat the meeting today the wt had a paragraph about certain ones breaking away from the church because the church's doctrines didn't match the bible, some were excommunicated, some imprisoned, some executed.. of course they were held up to be lovers of god, true christians... if i was to do the same thing i would be held up as an apostate.... and excommunicated...... i wish sometimes i had the same courage as those ones.....
Room 215
I also noted how they downplayed any wrangling over the circumcision issue... they portray it as a peacfully achieved consensus; yet Act 15:7 clearly mentions disputes taking place. Also, I wonder why Luther and Erasmus failed to make their list of honorables. Still, all in all, it was a welcome respite from the anti-education, hate-your-dfd relatives, do more, do more, enjoy-life-less drumbeat.
One modern parallel to the "peacefully acheived consensus" fiction.... Knorr stating that the transition to a Governing Body would take place "over my dead body," and Freddy's publicized debunking of the first-century GB concept in his remarks at the 1975 Gilead graduation... (tapes of that talk widely available).
4/15 WT- WTS Doesn't Care about your Happiness- Just JW's Obedience
by flipper inbeen off the board for about 6 days or so battling a nasty bout of vertigo that hit me early this week.
at least my heads not spinning so i can think straight now to type a thread.
in this article titled, " maintain a complete heart towards jehovah " ( which should be called ' maintain a complete heart towards the wt society ) - wt society uses a lame illustration of a field laborer desiring family - yet missapplies this to jw's desiring " things of satan's world".. on page 15 it states, " a field laborer is busy plowing.
Room 215
So the WT takes another hefty swipe at those JWs who have the temerity to desire some semblance of normality and personal fulfillment in their lives. ... it just gets nuttier and nuttier...
Message at yesterdays assembly
by isaacaustin ina relative of mine was at the assembly yesterday and was appalled at the message givien before lunch:.
she heard them blast higher education...then warn to not miss meetings for work...then they gave the stupidest illustration i ever heard- they said that it is true that supporting your family is important...but not to give it too much importance and said it is like trying to cross a busy street.
they said if you see a car a long distance off it is ok to cross, if you are too careful you will never cross the street.
Room 215
One of the "perks" of being a Bethelite was the ability to invoke "Bethel work" in order to skip out on meetings... when I was sent to the WT farm from the Brooklyn Bethel, neither I nor those of my buddies ever brought any meeting clothes with us.. we saw nothing but dusk-to-dawn work for at least six, and sometimes seven days a week, all summer long. If anyone protested that he would like to make a meeting once in a while, he was greeted with derisive laughther.
For most, attendance at the Monday night family Watchtower study (in jeans ansd tee shirts) was a hit-and-miss (mostly "miss") proposition. The Circuit Overseeers, Special Pioneers, etc, that were called in from the filed to work with us couldn't believe -- were shocked -- by the prevailing Bethelite attitude towards regularity at meetings
What are your favourite movie lines/quotes????
by karter in''well there's one thing you got ta ask yourself felling lucky...well do ya punk".....clint eastwood dirty harry.. "it's life jim but not as we know it" capt kirk star treck..
Room 215
..."It ain't the years, it's the mileage" Indiana Jones
Video: Take a look at N. H. Knorr's elevator to his office.
by freetosee in
this wt video really shows the hierarchy within the wts.
watch the body language!
Room 215
Whatever you may say about this presentation, it speaks volumes about the changes since this recording was made; at least back then they came to terms with presenting a positive image to the public at large; I can't imagine a similar taping to be made public today.
Where is the nicest hotel that you ever went to in your lifetime?
by Iamallcool ini want to vacation somewhere sometime later this year, but i am not sure where i want to go yet.
i need some ideas.
Room 215
.. Sandton Towers, Johannesburg, South Africa
1914: Still Important to Watchtower in 2012
by leavingwt in.
98 years later, the 1914 date is still important to the watchtower organization.. .
below is a screenshot of a portion of page 19 from the may 15, 2012 watchtower magazine.. .
Room 215
what's that proverb about holding a mad dog by his ears? That's exactly their dilemma: let go and suffer a huge bite, keep holding on and face the erosion of their credibility, alread severly dented by the inexorable ticking of the clock.